Hello Friends!

Thank you for taking the time to look around. We are so happy you're here!

For as long as I can remember, I have had a love for and interest in photography and capturing the moments that become our memories. I have books and boxes full of photos from different events dating back to elementary school (and most of the negatives, too). I have been so blessed to do photography for awesome clients for several years and truly gained some amazing friends through it all, too. It has been such an honor to be able to meet you and capture such precious moments for your family.

I am a full-time momma of two beautiful kids who are growing way too fast. They remind me daily to play, be silly and have fun in every single thing we do! I'm married to my best friend who continues to support me in (most) of my shenanigans. We have all the fluff at our house, too - one dog, one cat and five fluffy chickens. I recently started serving at my church with photography and I absolutely love being able to serve my community and get creative while doing it!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us!